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EMI 150 & EMI 200

Compact and Mobile Design: UNIFLEX presents the  Industrial Hose Cutting Machines for industrial hoses up to 6” and 8” 

The  EMI 150 and EMI 200 industrial hose cutting machines from UNIFLEX are available for cutting of up to 6” hoses (EMI 150) and up to 8” hoses (EMI 200). Their compact dimensions and robust design make these cutting machines well suited for small workshops as well as bigger production areas. The machines have wheels, so they can easily be moved to the hose instead of carrying heavy hoses around the workshop. Both devices are equipped with the specially coated TM C cutting blade, which substantially reduces the force required and the wear during cutting. 

Each machine comes with a 2-year warranty for the best return on investment. 




#UNIFLEX #HoseCutting #IndustrialMachinery #EMI150 #EMI200 #CompactDesign #MobileSolution #HeavyDuty #WorkshopTools #Manufacturing #Efficiency #IndustrialHoses #CuttingMachines #Innovation #Engineering #Productivity